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The outcome of the first half of the match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (considering only the points scored during the 1st Half the home team wins), X (considering only the points scored during the 1st Half the two teams draw), 2 (considering only the points scored during the 1st Half the away team wins).< /p>

The outcome of the first five (5) minutes. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team wins), X (the teams draw), 2 (the away team wins). Events must happen between 0:00 and 04:59 to be classed in the first 5 minutes. Official reports of the leagues organizing the events will be used to determine the correct outcome.

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The outcome of the first quarter of the match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (considering only the points scored during the 1st Quarter the home team wins), X (considering only the points scored during the 1st Quarter the two teams draw), 2 (considering only the points scored during the 1st Quarter the away team wins). Interruptions taking place during later stages of the match do not influence this bet typology, even if as a consequence of such interruption the match is repeated.


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