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Why Use Odoo Website Builder For Your Cms? Working With Odoo 10 Second Version Guide

The separation of entrance end and again end is a thing of the previous. You can merely choose the content to be processed in the floor. It is straightforward drag and drop that allows you to drop your internet sections, and such. Odoo website is designed to be accessible to everyone, together with users with […]


Check Your Vocabulary Online With Vocabularysize Com Example Sentences For: Less-direct

This makes it slightly Mobile app development more complex than their and they’re, as it can be used as two totally different elements of speech. The simplest definition of there’s “in or at that place.” It is usually used as an adverb of place, which means it expresses the place an action is happening. This […]


ИнстаФорекс LimeFX отзывы 2021 от реальных клиентов, описание брокера

На других языковых версиях сайта подобной локализованной информации, но для других стран, мы не обнаружили. В этом компоненте LimeFX не превосходит своих конкурентов. Наличие RUB (недоступно для центовых счетов) подчеркивает ориентированность брокера на аудиторию из РФ. Брокер LimeFX позволяет вести счета в нескольких определенных валютах, а если вы будете пополнять счет в валюте, отличной […]


What’s Natural Language Processing Nlp?

You can use Counter to get the frequency of every token as shown beneath. If you provide a list to the Counter it returns a dictionary of all parts with their frequency as values. The most commonly used Lemmatization approach is thru WordNetLemmatizer from nltk library. Deep Learning-based Nlp — Fashionable State-of-the-art Methods I […]


Что такое миссия компании, как ее определить и какие она решает задачи для маркетинга? Elena Vlasova на vc ru

Содержание Миссия компании как девиз для сотрудников — Проанализировать другие компании Как правильно сформулировать миссию компании? Примеры миссий зарубежных компаний Миссия компании: ТОП-12 примеров + детальная инструкция Миссия организации: понятие, структура, этапы разработки Например, сеть цветочных магазинов перерабатывает старые оставшиеся цветы в компост. Её миссия может звучать так — «дарим эмоции с заботой о природе». Jackmont […]


Bookkeeping Guide for Small Business Owners

Note that financial accountants typically only deal with historical data. They don’t extrapolate from the past into the future as managerial accountants do. And if the company in question is public, its financial statements there are two main types of bookkeeping must also comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. Your purchases account […]


How to Calculate Reorder Points with the ROP Formula

A modern inventory management system can bring greater efficiency to inventory processes through automation and digital tools. For example, real-time inventory tracking allows staff to see what’s in stock, what’s on order, and where each item is located. Software tools can also collect and present data on purchase orders, sales fulfillment, and demand forecasting on […]


Sober Living Homes: A Comprehensive Guide

These are residential facilities that provide structure and support for those healing from addiction. They are designed to be a transitional space from residential treatment to mainstream society. Moreover, sober living homes often connect residents with a variety of recovery resources. Access to counseling services, both individual and group therapy, is a key component. These […]


Mesa de Entrada

Campus Sur. Av. Pablo Ricchieri 1955 - Ciudad de las Artes
(+54) 0351 - 4430362


Atelier 8 - Ciudad de las Artes
Mail: [email protected]

Sec. de RRHH y Tecnológicos

Atelier 9 - Ciudad de las Artes
Horario de atención al público:
Lun. a Vie. de 8:00 a 14:00 hs.

Sec. de Posgrado e Investigación

Atelier 16 - Planta alta - Ciudad de las Artes
Tel: (+54) 0351 - 4430371
Mail: [email protected]

Sec. Académica

Atelier 2 - Ciudad de las Artes
Tel: (+54) 0351 - 4430362 int. 400
Mail: [email protected]

Días y horarios de atención al público:
Lunes a jueves de 08:00 a 14:00 h.

Sec. de Extensión

Atelier 4 - Ciudad de las Artes
Tel: (+54) 0351 - 4430391
Mail: [email protected]

Sec. de Política Institucional, Bienestar Estudiantil y Graduados

Atelier 3 - Ciudad de las Artes
Tel: (+54) 0351 - 4430394
Mail: [email protected]
Horario de atención al público:
Lun. a Vie. de 9:00 a 18:00 hs.

Facultad de Arte y Diseño

[email protected]
Campus Sur. Av. Pablo Ricchieri 1955
(+54) 0351 – 4430397 / 412

Facultad de Educación y Salud

[email protected]
Campus Sur. Av. Deodoro Roca s/n. Córdoba.

Extensión Áulica FES Río Cuarto, Instituto Superior “Ramón Menéndez Pidal”:
Av. Gral. José Garibaldi 50, Río Cuarto, Córdoba.
(+54) 0358 – 467 2919

Facultad de Turismo y Ambiente

[email protected]
Campus Norte. Av. Cárcano 3590. Córdoba.
(+54) 0351-4348398

Facultad de Educación Física

[email protected]
Campus Norte. Av. Ramón J. Cárcano s/n. Córdoba.
(+54) 0351 – 4348394 al 96

Formamos parte de:

Campus Sur

Av. Pablo Ricchieri 1955. Córdoba. Argentina

Campus Norte

Av. Cárcano S/N. Al frente de Estadio Kempes

Extensión Áulica Río IV

Garibaldi 50. Banda Norte. Río Cuarto